For Local Companies Looking To Grow Their Business Even In A Down Economy...

New Course Reveals A Simple Google Strategy That Predictably Grows Any Local Business With A Steady Stream Of Phone Calls & Walk-Ins.

Without Spending Any Time Networking or Posting On Social Media & The Best Part it takes less than 90 minutes to set up & works even if you’re terrible with computers & technology

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What is Simplified Local Growth?

Simplified Local Growth is a counterintuitive approach to predictably and profitably grow any local business.

This allows you to bring in more customers without spending any time networking, posting on social media or sponsoring a little league hoping your customers will be there & see your banner.

We do this by strategically taking advantage of larger networks like Google and Bing to exploit (in a good way) the natural customer trends of going to the search engines and looking to buy things.

It’s all about making small tweaks to your business listing that gets you BIG results.

This Works For:

  • Restaurants
  • Accountants
  • Roofers
  • Plumbers
  • Doctors
  • Lawyers
  • Gyms
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Acupuncture Clinics
  • Nail Salons
  • Barber Shops
  • Massage Therapists
  • Car Dealerships
  • Photographers
  • Real Estate Agents
  • Dance Studios
  • Martial Arts Schools
  • HVAC Repair Shops
  • Machine Shops
  • Moving Companies
  • Animal Shelters
  • Event Planners
  • AND MORE!!

To automatically grow your business and as a result, this frees you up to do what you want to do whether it’s spending time with your family & friends, going to the beach, playing golf all day.

It’s Your Choice!  – this is what the Simplified Local Growth System is all about.

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Simplified Local Growth is a Shortcut

Before I created the Simplified Local Growth System – I spent years struggling trying to find new customers and was on the verge of giving up.

I was working 15-18 hours a day 7 days a week. Working every holiday, special days, including my birthday and Christmas.

I never took a day off for years, even when I was sick.

I tried cold calling businesses, going to businesses door to door. I can’t even count how many networking and local chamber of commerce events I went to. 

I tried Barter networks (It almost killed my business), emailing businesses, sending out postcards, putting on live events.

I even tried sponsoring events, passing out fliers, speaking at events, doing webinars, in-person workshops, going to meetups and my list goes on and on. I tried everything and anything but nothing brought in consistent customers. 

I sucked at getting in front of my customer.

After a while every month I would pay my bills late or not at all. Which led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error,  testing everything and figuring things out the hard way – without anyone guiding me I’ve finally reached a point where I didn’t have to worry about where my next customer was going to come from. 

Best of all instead of me having to look for customers all the time, they started finding my business. It was a total game-changer for me.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire business growth system I built by watching the short course called  Simplified Local Growth

Here’s how it works ...



Get In The Nav

This will show you how to get your business to show up in the vehicle navigation system

Become A Trusted Google Advisor

Add more power to your listing by getting Google on your side.

Private Tech Tools List

Want to know if you need a little effort or a lot? These tools will show you where you stand.

Fake Reviews Protection

Learn how to combat it and protect yourself from fake reviews and unscrupulous competitors out to get you.

GMB Fast Track

This is the shortcut to getting your business into the top 3 positions on the maps.

Here's How I Went From Struggling To Find New Prospects All The Time To Having A Steady Stream Of Prospects Calling And Reaching Out To My Business Every Single Month By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Local Business Model Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Simplified Local Growth System


From: The desk of Mical Johnson
Re: The most predictable way to get phone calls & walk-ins from Google
(and why your business is going to depend on it)

Dear Local Business Owner

I can do something you can’t.

Would it surprise you to learn that I don’t have to worry about prospecting anymore? Or that I have new prospects and future customers every month using the information revealed in this course?

If you’re skeptical about that…

That’s good.

Because there’s a lot of people making a lot of promises out there…that don’t back them up…

…and in fact – they can’t back them up (even if they wanted to).

I’ve been there…

And I know you don’t want to hear any more promises…

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of marketing online since 1999. Working with hundreds of clients in local markets all over the world. I’ve run hundreds of thousands of ads tests, gotten tens of thousands of top rankings on Google.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. 

I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and most importantly work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. 

If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…

Yes, it took me a lot of time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…


And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same simple Google strategy that local business owners from all over the world are now using to get more customers & clients each and every month…

…And in turn growing their businesses faster than ever before…

…All while delegating 99% of the workload of the Google Strategy to get it done so they can focus on WHAT THEY WANT

Which is causing most of the business owners to quit worrying about getting new customers and working ON their business full time…

…And best of all having their customer prospecting on total autopilot…

Imagine if the number of calls to your business from potential customers keeps growing every month during one of the worst economic times in recorded history for most “local” businesses?

Take a at the phone calls for a brand new business after a month

And even though getting that many additional calls for a small business is pretty cool, that’s not the best part…

The best part is that you don’t have to do ANY of the work to get them to call you – it’s ALL automated or delegated.

That’s right, if you’re like most local business owners that are super busy, then you don’t have to do the work yourself.

And this isn’t the only one either…

This Is Another Business That Implemented Our Simplified Local Growth System Not Too Long Ago…

…And soon after got 103.8% more phone calls within the first few months by tweaking his current business into a Growth Business…

And you can BET…

This Simplified Local Growth System is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t focus on chasing leads.
  • We don’t focus on cold calling.
  • We don’t focus on prospecting.
  • We don’t chase go to networking events.
  • We don’t guess sponsor events.

In fact: we rarely (if ever) do any physical customer prospecting.

Instead We Setup An Automated Way To Prospect Called Simplified Local Growth That Does All That For Us...

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The Simplified Local Growth system allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my business…

  • Like trying to find new leads all the time to keep the business afloat...
  • Cold calling companies pitching my services (never getting anywhere)…
  • Prospecting and trying to get someone who’d be interested in what I have to offer.
  • Posting on social media all day - which usually ends up in wasting my time.
  • Or soul crushing “networking events” that are always at the most inconvenient times.
  • Or sponsoring some random event so that I don’t feel like I got rejected by everyone there.

The Simplified Local Growth System Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Create A Business Prospecting Machine, Delegating All The Work, Hanging Out With My Family And Doing Things I Enjoy Doing

There’s a saying in Europe…

“We work to live. Not live to work.”

So with that in mind…

Here’s what my business looked like before (and If you’ve ever started any business, then I’m sure you can relate)

I call this the “Local Business Of Doom” Tell me if this sounds familiar to you…

  • Step 1 - You need more leads & sales (someone who is interested in your products & service) so you decide to start “Marketing” & free tactics is the best way to start
  • Step 2 - You join the local chamber to start “making connections” - you go to events all the time at weird hours of the day & get business cards that you can do almost nothing with…
  • Step 3 - Then you sets up a deal on GroupOn to generate more clients (Turns out that the customers that come in are low value freebie seekers not interested in spending a single dime with you)
  • Step 4 -You then talk to friends and family about your business and if they know anyone who “might be interested” to “Help you out” (before you know it people will stop answering your calls to come over for dinner)
  • Step 5 - After a few weeks and months you look at the company account and it becomes crystal clear that all of these “marketing strategies” are not working out the way you wanted them too.
  • Step 6 - Start Posting On Social Media To "Grow The Business" & Get Customers, gets 2 like per post. (Doesn't work but feels good initially)
  • Step 7 - When people finally start to show up to your business you’re so overwhelmed with all of this “Marketing” that you start dropping the ball on the business that you do have coming in. Phrases like “I just need to discuss with my team" or “I need to talk to my spouse.” keep popping up.
  • Step 8 - Work Non Stop For Weeks & Months On End just to stay afloat....
  • Step 9 - Barely Make Enough To Cover Your Bills & Feel Like You're Drowning
  • Step 10 - The whole thing fizzles out, and tens of hours every week end up being completely wasted, leading nowhere.
  • Step 11 - Repeat Step 5-13 & Struggle for 3-5 years (Or More)
  • Step 12 - If you're luck you figure out a better way on your own or in most cases Eventually go out of business as the market is totally unforgiving😭

The Local Business Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck from living my dream life while working my ass off 80-100 hours per week.

To be honest…

I Almost Gave Up On This Whole “Local Business” Idea...

I mean, I could be making more money having a cozy 9-5…

…But before I gave up and closed the doors.

I wanted to try something.

Something that – if it worked.

It would change everything.

But it did take me a few years to “figure out” and finally perfect it…

…to the point where my business prospecting runs on total auto-pilot.

Generating hundreds of new leads every year…

And I Put This Entire System In A 2 Hour Course Called The “Simplified Local Growth” And You Can Start Watching It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name is Mical Johnson…

…You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

…I’m not the guy you’ll ever see on tv, radio, or hear about in business books…

…I don’t do that.

Instead, what I do is…

I help business owners like YOU get to the next level

Here are some of the results that I’ve gotten for local business owners just like you…

…all the green dots are top 3 rankings that generate the best phone calls & walk-ins.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Guy On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On Aug, 22nd, 1999

I was 28 years old, living in La Jolla, California. Walking distance from the cove.

I had no real skills…

I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life…

…only that I wanted to start a business, but didn’t know how…

… And I’d just got out of the U.S. Navy.

I couldn’t get a job interview to save my life, but I got signed by the best modeling agency in Los Angeles.

I don’t know if you know this but male models make peanuts compared to the women… 

After a few months I was looking for a 9 to 5 job so I could pay my rent.

Doing modeling work had been an absolute complete waste of time and money spent traveling.

There’s a stupid myth out there that if you just work hard, get a job, everything will work out…

… Well sometimes it doesn’t…

And if you want a life of freedom, where you can choose what you want to do… 

Working for someone else is almost never the answer…

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right…

I Ended Up With A 9-5 Job At A Car Dealership And Soon Realized That I Hated It…

I hated it because I knew if I stayed there – that job would become my identity and all my hopes, goals and dreams would be put aside to fulfill my role in that job.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations…I wanted more out of life…

…and selling my life to a giant corporation at 80 hours a week wasn’t going to work for me.

…Yeah I worked a lot back then…

But then I got lucky…

…The dealership I was working at wanted to get into this “new” internet thing…

The manager asked a question…

He asked all the sales people…

“Who wants to learn this internet stuff?”

I raised my hand and asked a simple question, that little did I know, would change the direction of my life…

“Can I keep the leads?”

So I did what every highly driven aspiring business owner person out there does in this situation…

I got really f*cking good at it…

9 months later I had hundreds of thousands of emails that I collected from  online…

I sat in the back of the car dealership and only took appointments and no one could figure out how I was doing it…

A short time later I took my new found skills and went to another local business…

…then to another local business…

…then moved across the country and did it for another local business…

…and I kept doing it for years.

…Everywhere I went I got the same type of results online…

Fast forward to 2003 and I had seen first hand the power of the internet in multiple markets…

So I decided to start my own digital agency and finally become a REAL business owner.

Aside from not having the core skills to be a business owner, I chose the digital agency model because…

Digital Agencies Are Helping Local Business Go Head To Head Against The Giant Corporations

Local businesses do more for the communities than the big corporate giants do.

Just think about it:

Back when I was growing up my dad would tell me about all these Mom and Pop shops around town that did everything for you.

>> You needed food? Go to your local grocery store because the business owner would give kids a lollipop. 

>> Need Milk? They deliver it to your house.

>> Want pizza on a Friday night? Jimmy’s cousin would bring some by the house for you.

How many small Mom and Pop shops disappeared because of these big corporations? 

…Way too many…

It’s because of that reason that I’ve spent most of my adult life working for the local business owner’s like you…

…the real heroes of the country…

…the ones that sometimes work 80-100 hours a week for pennies…

…the one that pays his team first and figures out later how he’s going to pay himself…

..You’re the one spending all those sleepless nights trying to figure out how to keep the doors open when the government decides to shut things down…

…You’re the one who didn’t get the government’s help first when the money was being given out…

…the big corporations got it first…

…then they came knocking on your door…

…they wanted rent or a mortgage payment…

…they wanted you to pay all your bills on time…

…they wanted all your customers to go to them..

…And that’s the BIG FAT THANK YOU that you get…

…And now you sit in quiet desperation looking for an answer that may never come…

…Your struggle is your struggle

and you’re alone…

They’re not playing fair…

So why should you…

The game is rigged and you know it…

…I know it..

…And everyone else knows it…

 Right now as you’re reading this there are local businesses that are kicking the shit out of those big corporate giants and anyone else that comes near them.

 And they’re doing it because they know something you don’t…

which means they can do something you can’t…

which means they have a hidden advantage…

The same hidden advantage they discovered on this page…

the same hidden advantage that you’re about to be handed within the next few minutes…

…An advantage that’s going to turn hope into possibility and flip it into a guaranteed outcome…

…And then…

EVERYTHING will change for you…

…It will no longer be about can you pay rent…

…It’ll be do you want to pay it on 5 more locations that you’ll be able to open?

…It’ll no longer be if you can hire a few more employees…

…The question is where the hell can you find them because you’ll need so many

…And all this can and will happen for you…

…Because it happened to others just like you…

…who not too long ago took action on what I’m about to lay out…

…like Rick that was only getting 3 calls a day for his roofing business

…and now he’s doing 15 calls a day and is having the time of his life

… or Jenetta that lost 100% of her business when the government shut down all non-essential services

…now she pivoted and her business is thriving again 

And that’s the best part…

…That’s only the beginning…

…Because the best part is you’ll finally be able to do something you set out to do all along…

HAVE YOUR BUSINESS WORK FOR YOU – while you’re NOT working

And the only way to do that is to make more money…and increase profitability

and the only way to do that is to get more customers…

and the only way to get more customers is…

…right dab smack in the middle of the worlds largest search engine


…In one untapped area that no one knows about…

…Where all of your customers FIND YOU…

..And once you tap into this hidden area of google…

…You can turn off all magazine ads…referrals, everything else…

Because you’ll get more than you can handle

 How many companies out there are desperate to get more customers from Google?

…All of them!

How many of your customers are searching Google everyday? 10’s of Millions of them

You see there is a virtually endless supply of new customers on Google looking for the right business every day.

It really comes down to a simple choice…

…Do you want to be a small fish in a deep blue ocean or the BIG fish in the small pond gobbling up everything in sight?…

I choose to be the big fish in the small pond because when I pick my spot I can compete with anyone…

If you’re a local business you don’t need to be known in a different state…

You don’t need to spend millions of dollars to get all the new customers in your area…

Be strategic with your money and time…

When you look at the marketing research for local businesses you’ll find out that 95% of all your business comes from people who live or work within 15 miles of your business.

… Most of your business will come from the 3 to 5-mile radius of your location. 

Service-based businesses like roofers and plumbers still have a similar radius even if you are willing to travel further out.

And when your future customers want to find your business 97% of consumers pull out their phones and search online for local businesses…

Where Google dominates the market…

Every day more than 3.5 billion searches go through Google and of those searches 46% or roughly 1.6 billion of those searches are for local businesses just like YOU.

I don’t expect you to know these things, it’s not your fault. This isn’t your business.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Simplified Local Growth System And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

I get customers to come to me, instead of me going to them…

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get a customer, here’s what it looks like now…

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with more customers right..

But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually An Automated Machine That Generates Cash Every Month...

How many prospecting models have you seen come and go through the years?

  • People telling you to join their business referral network...
  • Or others start sending mailers…
  • Or passing out business cards to every person you meet…
  • Or the dancing air man in front of your store…
  • Maybe it was joining the local chamber of commerce or speaking at events…

I’ve been doing online marketing for over two decades now…

And when I WANT more customers I turn all the parts of the machine on and the customers come in…

That’s a solid cash machine if you ask me.

But the best part is I try not to get too involved in the prospecting part.

The “system” and the delegated or outsourced team behind it does everything for me.

Now, speaking of longevity and the system…

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

I am LEAVING MONEY on the table by showing you this.

And the other gurus and online teachers out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach.

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Only Teaching You A Small Part Of What Works Then Expecting You To Fill In The Gaps

Here’s why:

There are two types of local business owners out there.

There are the “micromanagers” and there are “entrepreneurs”.

For my first 10 years of running my agency – I was a glorified entrepreneur…

…I say glorified because I wasn’t even close to being a true entrepreneur…

…I was really just a micromanager…

Micromanagers are always out there trying to do everything themselves EVEN when they have a team…

Trying to line up the next deal so they can make a quick buck…

Their strategy is to try and do as much as they can to save money

And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on…

  • Chasing new leads all the time
  • Cold calling companies
  • Constantly prospecting for new business
  • Go to endless meetings
  • Going to networking events

All of this requires time and energy and doesn’t really save them any money…

…because your time as an entrepreneur is more valuable than that… 

The problem isn’t the model itself as it’s the fact that as your business grows, so does your workload…

Why do you think I was working 15-18 hours a DAY!

…On one hand, you’re focused on getting new business and on the other hand you’re too busy doing all the work that you’ve taken on.

And as a result – your business eventually becomes a job.

A very low paying job.

But not just any job – a job you’re stuck in and can never leave.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Simplified Local Growth System.

The solution?

We Become The Big Fish In The Small Pond And Build Systems That Are Repeatable And Work For Us 24/7/365

That’s right…

I said it, Big Fish, Small Pond…

…Because I’d rather get a new prospect or sale in my sleep, than a $80,000 sale that requires 5 meetings, 6 months, 12 phone calls, a beautifully crafted proposal and a few follow up calls and emails…

Followed by two or three months of work trying to fulfill that sale.

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

So here’s the idea…

…But here’s what there’s hope in and it’s found in this Simplified Local Growth course, which is just a few short hours and it explains everything in detail. 

So here's the BIG idea behind the Simplified Local Growth System

Right now, as you’re reading this very page…

There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of business.

The internet has changed everything – for everyone – local businesses have to adopt the latest and greatest technological advances or lose to those that do.

Because of massive forced shut downs by the governments, your customers are flooding to the internet to find what they need.

Searching for businesses they used to visit…

Looking for new businesses to spend their money…

Now, more customers than ever are looking for local businesses

And as you may have guessed it – business owners like you are taking advantage of this natural NEW trend of their customers.

So when they find a local business, they’d rather do their research and make a decision BEFORE they even call you or visit your place of business.

And what’s really cool is that they’ll gladly spend money right on your website that doesn’t require any interaction from you, your team, prospecting or anything. 

That's Right - Given a Choice Your Customers Would Rather Spend Money, Book Appointments, Get Directions or Find Out Your Hours On Your Web Property Than Interacting With You Face To Face And Going Through The Traditional Buying Process

And that’s where the Simplified Local Growth System comes in…

It does this beautifully in 4 easy steps…

And that’s the difference here.

When you set up your Simplified Local Growth business using this model a new prospect or sale in your sleep means it is something we can replicate and scale up.

A sale acquired manually by YOU is going to be limited by your input, and you only have 24 hours in a day.

I’m not saying doing work by yourself is bad.

What I’m saying is if your goal is freedom, doing all the work might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Hustling requires networking, meetings, phone calls, mailers, going to events and more.

Simplified Local Growth business just requires a kickass business (with the right formula)!

And that’s why this is different because it works for you and turns your job at work into a business.

And you know what? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can build an automated digital prospecting machine that runs almost entirely without you.

Don’t be afraid to re-read it a couple of times if you need to… 

And once you start using this Simplified Local Growth System…

Getting new clients calling you or walking into your place of business isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.

It’s something that systems and freelancers do for you.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it to two weeks from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Simplified Local Growth course

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first customers roll into your local business…

That’s how easy this is.

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to get new customers…

I promise you this…

Anyone can get clients with the right model (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

Can you do this?

And my answer is:

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

  • I don’t have business degree
  • I didn’t know how to run a business
  • I had no team when I started

And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me 4 years to “figure this out”…

…and another 4 to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn’t anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means…there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

Other than that, just to watch the course and copy the entire model and most important of all – implement it!

That’s it…

But the one thing I didn’t mention yet about the Simplified Local Growth System that sets it apart from everything else is that…

Here’s The exact 4 Step System Revealed in the Simplified Local Growth Course For Building A Delegated & Automated Prospecting System On Google

  • Step 1 - Get the information about your business together (I’m going to give you a checklist of everything you need to get together so there’s no guessing or making mistakes)...
  • Step 2 - Do Simple Google Strategy (I’ll show you step-by-step what you need to do. This can be delegated.)...
  • Step 3 - Repeat Steps 1-2 for each location...
  • Step 4 - Enjoy Your Business (With the system in place you can now enjoy your business)...

Those are the 4 steps to freedom and having a Simplified Local Growth local business.

All of this is revealed in the X hour Simplified Local Growth Course in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to running a highly successful local business for the person that has the choice to spend your time on things that you want.

And that’s not all, because…

Here's what else you're going to discover in the Simplified Local Growth Course

  • How To Pick the right category & BEST Keywords Based On What People Are ALREADY Buying (so you can skip wasting time on figuring out what keywords you need to focus on - this is a proven way to find customers fast based on buying factors)...
  • How To Squeeze Every Customer Out Of Google (by tapping into hidden data that gets you a larger reach)...
  • How To Scale By Syphoning Even More Visitors (Traffic) To Your Google property (using unconventional wisdom and tapping into hidden customer psychology)...
  • How To Remove Yourself Almost Entirely From The Prospecting System So That You Are The OWNER Instead Of The Web Designer, Project Manager, SEO Person, And Support Representative (giving you the final piece of the puzzle that 99.99% of local business owners are missing)...

The Simplified Local Growth system will show you how to put your customer acquisition on autopilot so you can free up your time, all you gotta do is follow the steps. )…

If freedom from the boring and mundane tasks of prospecting is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it. 

Plus I'm Going To Give You My Own Private List Of Tools That Let You Speed Up The Entire Process

And Before You Watch The Simplified Local Growth course… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them.

There’s NO hidden “continuity program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I’m literally giving you this entire book, for $5.60, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is…

I was planning on selling this course for $1,997, but that meant that a lot of solopreneurs that run local businesses wouldn’t be able to get it.

Which would also make it much more difficult for them if they are struggling right now. I wanted to help more local business owners. 

By lowering the price to $27 it allows me to impact more local business owners and help them get unstuck, grow and scale their businesses.

I consider that a true win/win…

Also in most cases, I’m creating competition for myself when selling the course at this price.

I’m revealing my entire Secret Google Strategy in the course.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I’m making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.

I’m betting that you’ll enjoy the course so much, you’ll call and ask to take additional classes or training from me or as your business grows maybe you’ll delegate that responsibility to my agency.

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway – with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the course.

Plus I’m also including these 5 amazing bonuses valued at $472

Oh. And in case you’re wondering …


Of course, there’s a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it’s …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

And even though it’s only $27.00

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Watch the course, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $27.00 and let you keep the bonuses free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money-back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind…

This Offer Expires By

February 112025

So Here's How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be taking the Simplified Local Growth course in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $27

Get Instant Access For $47 Just $27! Delivered instantly. Start the course in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Watch the course Now! 

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the Simplified Local Growth.

Until then, to your success,

P.S. Remember, the Simplified Local Growth comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Access it, watch it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) – just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.00.


Every green dot is a spot that comes up on the map search. The darker the green the higher the rank. Higher Rankings = More Phone Calls & Walk-ins

(Works for electricians in Colorado)…

(Works for roofers in North Dakota)…

(Works for barber shops in Arizona)…

(Works for accountants in Miami)…

(Works for plumbers in New York)…

(Works for roofers in Maryland)…

(Works for nail salons in Texas)…

(Works for electricians in West Virginia)…

(Works for animal shelters in Missouri)…

(Works for dance studios in Georgia)…

(Works for dentists in Missouri)…

(Works for event planners in Maryland)…

(Works for HVAC repair shops in Utah)…

(Works for machine shops in Michigan)…

(Works for massage therapists in South Carolina)…

(Works for moving companies in Alabama)…

(Works for animal shelters in Florida)…

(Works for photographers in Virginia)…

(Works for photographers in Virginia)…

get instant access to simplified local growth

Only $27 Today

(Save $20 today)

Login To Watch The Videos For $47 Just $27! Instantly get access to your training. Start the course in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available to Watch Instantly

$472 Worth Of Value - Yours For Just $27 Today


Who is this for?

This is for 2 types of people. People in charge of marketing for a local business to help you streamline your work. It is also for local business owners who would like to accelerate their phone calls and walk-ins (and put them on autopilot), and also free up some of their time by automating and delegating some of the work.

What is Simplified Local Growth?

Simplified Local Growth is an online video training course and a systematic approach to building and growing any local business. It is not a trendy hack that stops working 6 months from now. Simplified Local Growth is about building an local business that can be around for decades, it will give you not just freedom from the stress of finding new customers, but you'll also have the opportunity to sell the business because of what you built.

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Simplified Local Growth special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it. If having a local business that systematically generates phone calls and walk-ins is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the Simplified Local Growth online video course, Fake Reviews Protection video series, Get In The Nav video training, Become a Trusted Google Advisor video training, Tracking Your Progress Tech Tools PDF and video training, Simplified Local Growth Community Access, and the GMB 7-Day Fast Start Video Series.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to do a general setup. Anyone can do that however, there are a lot of nuances that you should understand, because when, not if, you run into problems that's when you'll realize that you were taught a "one off" tactic that makes the trainer look good because they get a cool screenshot testimonial, but the local business owner is stuck struggling with the stuff under the hood, not knowing when or if that tactic will work again.
We go into a lot of detail so that you can understand and make any kind of adjustments down the road if you need.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this video course but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to get our help or do the work for you after purchasing.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the training.


Only $27 Today

(Save $20 today)

Login To Watch The Videos For $47 Just $27! Instantly get access to your training. Start the course in the next 2 minutes.

Now Available to Watch Instantly

$472 Worth Of Value - Yours For Just $27 Today


"Google My Business (GMB) is no longer optional — it's an essential part of any business's online presence and often the first place customers look for up-to-date information about your company."

"In a global survey, 74% of in-store shoppers who searched online before going to the store to shop, said they searched for something in-store related such as the closest store near them, locations, in stock near them, hours, directions, wait times, and contact information."

Think with Google

"Also, there was a 61% increase in calls from Google My Business from January 2020 to July 2020."

"49% of businesses receive more than 1,000 Views on Search per month"

"In 2021, 56% of web traffic took place on mobile phones."

Mobile queries centered around “where to buy” and “near me” keywords increased by over 200 percent in the last two years"

Think with Google

"60% of consumers prefer to call local businesses"

"Google now processes over 5.6 billion searches per day"

"The average click-through rate for first place on mobile is 24%"

"More than 5 percent of views on a Google My Business page result in a conversion"

"Over 50% of ‘near me’ searches result in a physical store visit."


Get In The Nav ($97 Value)

This will show you how to get your business to show up in the vehicle navigation system

Become A Trusted Google Advisor ($47 Value)

This PDF will get you started QUICKLY so you can get closer to freedom.

Private Tech Tools ($37 Value)

Want to know if you need a little effort or a lot? These tools will show you where you stand.

Fake Reviews Protection ($47 Value)

This will help you get the ball rolling so you can start adding deals to your pipeline immediately.

GMB Fast Track ($197 Value)

Get started QUICKLY with this mini video series.


This Offer Expires By

February 112025

Get Instant Access to Simplified Local Growth




(Save $20 today)
Get Instant Access For $47 Just $27!

Now Available for Instant Access

$472 Worth Of Value - Yours For Just $27 Today

Here's Everything You're Getting
For Only $27 Today


Simplified Local Growth

A simple Google strategy where you learn the whole Simplified Local Growth system.

PRICE: 47 $27.00

Included bonus 1

Get In The Nav

This will show you how to get your business to show up in the vehicle navigation system.


Included bonus 2

Become A Trusted Google Advisor

Add more power to your listing by getting Google on your side.


Included bonus 3

Private Tech Tools List

Want to know if you need a little effort or a lot? These tools will show you where you stand.


Included bonus 4

Fake Reviews Protection

Learn how to combat it and protect yourself from fake reviews and unscrupulous competitors out to get you.


Included bonus 5

GMB Fast Track

This is the shortcut to getting your business into the top 3 positions on the maps.


$472 Worth of Value - Yours for Just $27 Today

Watch the course directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

"The best investment you can make is in yourself"

Warren Buffett

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside The Course

"The less your business depends on you, the more it's worth"

Patrick Bet-David



Interviews – Local Business Owners Sharing Their Knowledge
Questions – Get Your Questions Answered
Value Bombs – Applicable Tips And Tricks


Day 1 – Setting Up Your Domain
Day 2 – Setting Up WordPress
Day 3-4 – Setting Up Your Landing Page
Day 5 – Setting Up Automation
Day 6 – Setting Up Link Retargeting
Day 7 – Setting Up Call Tracking

$472 Worth of Value - Yours for Just $27 Today

$472 Of Actionable Value!

(Yours For FREE When You Get The Simplified Local Growth Course)


Simplified Local Growth

A simple Google strategy where you learn the whole Simplified Local Growth system.

PRICE: 47 $27.00

Included bonus 1

Get In The Nav

This will show you how to get your business to show up in the vehicle navigation system.


Included bonus 2

Become A Trusted Google Advisor

Add more power to your listing by getting Google on your side.


Included bonus 3

Private Tech Tools List

Want to know if you need a little effort or a lot? These tools will show you where you stand.


Included bonus 4

Fake Reviews Protection

Learn how to combat it and protect yourself from fake reviews and unscrupulous competitors out to get you.


Included bonus 5

GMB Fast Track

This is the shortcut to getting your business into the top 3 positions on the maps.


$472 Worth of Value - Yours for Just $27 Today


I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This Simplified Local Growth special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it. If having a local business that systematically generates phone calls and walk-ins is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the Simplified Local Growth online video course, Fake Reviews Protection video series, Get In The Nav video training, Become a Trusted Google Advisor video training, Tracking Your Progress Tech Tools PDF and video training, Simplified Local Growth Community Access, and the GMB 7-Day Fast Start Video Series.

What is Simplified Local Growth?

Simplified Local Growth is an online video training course and a systematic approach to building and growing any local business. It is not a trendy hack that stops working 6 months from now. Simplified Local Growth is about building a local business that can be around for decades, it will give you not just freedom from the stress of finding new customers, but you'll also have the opportunity to sell the business because of what you built.

Who is this for?

This is for 2 types of people. People in charge of marketing for a local business to help you streamline your work. It is also for local business owners who would like to accelerate their phone calls and walk-ins (and put them on autopilot), and also free up some of their time by automating and delegating some of the work.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to do a general setup. Anyone can do that however, there are a lot of nuances that you should understand, because when, not if, you run into problems that's when you'll realize that you were taught a "one off" tactic that makes the trainer look good because they get a cool screenshot testimonial, but the local business owner is stuck struggling with the stuff under the hood, not knowing when or if that tactic will work again. We go into a lot of detail so that you can understand and make any kind of adjustments down the road if you need.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this video course but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to get our help or do the work for you after purchasing.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the training.